M.D  Hasan YILDIZ M.D Hasan YILDIZ Obstetrics and gynecologist, gynecologist We Apply For Your Health
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D.R Hasan YILDIZ M.D D.R Hasan YILDIZ M.D Obstetrics and gynecologist, gynecologist, genital aesthetics We Apply For Your Health
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M.D  Hasan YILDIZ M.D Hasan YILDIZ Genital Aesthetics Specialist We Apply For Your Health
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About Us

Op. Dr. Hasan YILDIZ was born in Düzce in 1977. He completed his primary, middle, and high school education in Mersin, Artvin, Sivas, and Izmir. He completed his university education at Ege University Faculty of Medicine between 1994 and 2000. He graduated in the year 2000. He worked as a resident at the Department of General Surgery at Dokuz Eylül University between 2000 and 2001. He completed his residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology from 2002 to 2006 and has been working as an Obstetrician and Gynecologist since January 2006. From 2006 to 2008, he worked at Seferihisar State Hospital and in private practice. From 2008 to 2011, he worked at Ordu Fatsa State Hospital and in private practice. From 2011 to 2012, he worked at Akhisar Özel Doğuş Hospital, where he was a partner. Since 2012, he has been providing services at his private clinic in Alsancak.
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I have heard the name of Hasan Bey many times. There were a lot of positive opinions about him. I chose him for genital aesthetics. Good thing I chose Hasan. He is a modest, very understanding and wonderful doctor. I am very pleased with the result. Doctor who has many patients. He is the mentor of this business. Thank you very much.

T... G...

It is definitely a place that should be visited before surgery is planned for those who are considering surgery with their sincere approach and professional working style.

R... M...

Ich bin mit beiden Operationen sehr zufrieden. Vielen Dank an meinen lieben Lehrer, der sich während dieses Prozesses vor und nach der Operation um mich gekümmert hat.

Ö... K...


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