What is the difference between vaccination and IVF?

Couples with infertility problems can increase their chances of conceiving by making use of various assisted reproductive techniques. Among these techniques, the most commonly used methods are vaccination and in vitro fertilization. In this article, we will discuss and inform the differences between vaccination and IVF.

Vaccination is a method used to stimulate a woman's ovaries and increase her chances of fertilization naturally. In this process, ovarian development is supported by giving hormonal drugs to the woman. After the eggs mature, the sperm taken from their partner are processed in the laboratory and healthier sperm cells are selected. Then the selected sperms are injected into the uterus and the fertilization process takes place naturally. Vaccination may be a less costly and non-invasive option, but the chances of pregnancy are slightly lower.

IVF is a more complex assisted reproductive technique. In this method, the ovaries of the woman are stimulated with hormone drugs and the mature eggs are retrieved under the guidance of laparoscopy or ultrasound. It is then fertilized with sperm cells in a laboratory environment. Fertilized embryos are transferred to the uterus and pregnancy is created. IVF offers a higher chance of success, but is a more invasive procedure and may be more costly.


Method: While vaccination aims to increase the chance of fertilization naturally, IVF performs the fertilization process in a laboratory environment.
Chances of Success: IVF offers a higher chance of success than the vaccination method.
Cost: Vaccination is generally less costly than in vitro fertilization.

Vaccination and IVF are two different assisted reproductive techniques that assist couples with infertility problems in conceiving a baby. While vaccination aims to increase the chance of fertilization naturally, IVF performs the fertilization process in a laboratory environment. Both methods have advantages and disadvantages, and after a detailed evaluation with your doctor, you can choose the most appropriate option.